Localisation and tracking
Where are your people, where are your things, when you’re not around?
See precise real time information on the location of your employees with Oversee. Set what areas employees are not allowed to enter and see employee location history. The Oversee app receives a signal from Bluetooth devices placed around the workplace and records the employee’s location.
The obtained information provides data on the movement and location history of employees in real time. This helps to organize workplaces, prevent unnecessary movement and increase work safety.
- Information history and real-time view
- Constant and effective information flow
- Data for improving workflow
- Safety in emergency situations

Start shift
Employee logs the start of their shift and the location tracking starts on their Oversee app.

Real-time location
The manager can view real time information on employee location.

End shift
When the employee is leaving, they log the end of their shift and the location tracking ends.

Location history
Management can view location history.
Localisation and
All functionalities
Where are your people, where are your things, when you’re not around?
See precise real time information on the location of your employees with Oversee. Set what areas employees are not allowed to enter and see employee location history. The Oversee app receives a signal from Bluetooth devices placed around the workplace and records the employee’s location.
The obtained information provides data on the movement and location history of employees in real time. This helps to organize workplaces, prevent unnecessary movement and increase work safety.
- Information history and real-time view
- Constant and effective information flow
- Data for improving workflow
- Safety in emergency situations

Start shift
Employee logs the start of their shift and the location tracking starts on their Oversee app.

Real-time location
The manager can view real time information on employee location.

End shift
When the employee is leaving, they log the end of their shift and the location tracking ends.

Location history
Management can view location history.