5 steps to organise equipment and machinery maintenance

Proper arrangement and continuity of processes is at the core of running a successful company. One of the main factors that can negatively affect the flow of processes is defects of equipment and machinery, which then leads to unwanted downtime. This often happens in businesses dealing with transportation (such as delivery services or public transport), as well as logging and manufacturing industries. No business can avoid unexpected troubles entirely, but there are sure ways to prevent them.
Establishing regular maintenance
One of the most effective ways to avoid defects and downtime is by taking proper care of your inventory. This means regular maintenance for any machinery. If the company has a technical team that can carry out regular maintenance, they also require tools that help them regularly organise tasks. Of course, today these tools are digital and open up a wide range of possibilities to gather, process and analyse data. Based on this need, we have created our product Oversee, that provides options for the planning and completing of maintenance.

Regular maintenance in 5 easy steps with Oversee
The Oversee system allows you to plan tasks for regular machinery maintenance. You can create the tasks in just a few easy steps:
Step 1 – Add the equipment, that’ll need to be serviced;
Step 2 – Prepare the work schedule for the employees;
Step 3 – Create the work tasks;
Step 4 – Synchronise the work schedule with the tasks and the employees;
Step 5 – The tasks can now be viewed and completed using the Oversee app.
Strong machinery and equipment, with no unplanned downtime
Regular planning and execution of maintenance tasks provides guaranteed benefits to the business, and the pay off becomes evident soon after. One of the primary benefits is the scheduling of work for the technical team and the early maintenance of machinery, which means:
- The machinery is sturdier
- Longer use of hardware
- Planning the maintenance in advance allows picking the most convenient time
- Ensuring the maintenance is of high quality and complete
- Compliance with and control of warranty requirements
Any damage to the equipment creates a deflection from every-day processes, therefore reducing the production capacity. Only during maximum production capacity, can a business ensure the lowest production costs. Organising the maintenance processes digitally also allows the business to gather valuable data for further efficiency growth.