Month: May 2022

Oversee komanda piedāvā risinājumu atkritumu apsaimniekošanai

Blog The Oversee team offers a solution for waste management We all have the desire and love to stay in a tidy and clean environment. This year, CatchSmart and the team “Oversee” also participated in the international and annual hackathon “Climathon 2021 – green, smart municipalities”, which took place from October 8 to 10. Climathon …

Oversee komanda piedāvā risinājumu atkritumu apsaimniekošanai Read More »


Blog Overseeing Henry Ford once said: Good organisation of an old system is much better than bad organisation of a new system. These key words precisely describe the advantages that Oversee can provide your business. Oversee is a digital tool that can be used to rigorously define production process sequencing, facilitate compliance monitoring, manage resources, …

Overseeing​ Read More »

Sakārtota vide darbinieku efektivitātes uzlabošanai

Blog Organized workplace to boost productivity Everyone enjoys working in an organized workplace, which not only means order on their desk, but the orderliness of the work environment in the company as a whole. This includes a number of things – introducing the employee to the company’s processes, training to perform their duties, delegating and …

Sakārtota vide darbinieku efektivitātes uzlabošanai Read More »

Iekārtu un tehnikas apkopju organizēšana 5 soļos

Blog 5 steps to organise equipment and machinery maintenance Proper arrangement and continuity of processes is at the core of running a successful company. One of the main factors that can negatively affect the flow of processes is defects of equipment and machinery, which then leads to unwanted downtime. This often happens in businesses dealing …

Iekārtu un tehnikas apkopju organizēšana 5 soļos Read More »


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